Tuesday 29 December 2015

Report: Apple Had 50% Of All Device Activations Over 2015 Holiday Season


Flurry has come out with their holiday mobile stats showing that Apple devices captures just about half of all device activations over the 2015 holiday season. Samsung followed with about 20%, then Nokia with 2% and LG with 1.7% and so on. This is down 2.2 percentage points for Apple devices from 51.3% last year, while Samsung is up 2.1% from to 17.7% in 2014. But still, Apple seems to dominate the mobile device gift season with just about 50%.

Here is the Flurry chart:


Flurry also shared device distribution between full size tablet,s small tablets, phablets, medium phones and small phones based on activations over the holidays. Here is that chart:


We also have that broken down by Android vs iOS in 2015:


Finally, on Christmas Day in 2015, Flurry tracked 2.2x as many app installs as on an average day in December. This figure is down slightly from last year, which clocked in at 2.5 x increase on Christmas day.

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