Friday 18 December 2015

Increasing event engagement with technology

How technology can boost the effectiveness of your event

If your brand has been struggling to make a splash in its sector, it might be time to think about incorporating face-to-face tactics into your marketing methods to show your audience what you have to offer. A study by Regalix showed that 54% of B2B marketers said that event marketing was a significant tool when promoting their business – highlighting the fact that showcasing your brand at an event can have a significant impact.

event marketing

Whether you’re attending an event or hosting your own tradeshow, event marketing can be invaluable when it comes to boosting your business – ensuring you leave with valuable new leads and industry connections.

Why trust in tech?

The world of technology is developing at an increasingly rapid rate and there is now an array of digital marketing tools that can aid you in propelling your brand to the next level – giving you the edge your business needs to stand out from the competition.

When it comes to event marketing, harnessing the power of tech can throw your business into the spotlight and give you some much needed exposure – and social media platforms provide any number of opportunities to boost your branding.

wearable event marketing

Social media and event planning

Once your pre-event planning is nailed down, you can begin thinking about how you can utilise popular social media channels to promote your event.

Social media event planning

Facebook, Twitter and Google+ provide platforms from which you can promote your brand and ensure maximum exposure. Jumping on industry relevant hashtags – as well as tagging accounts in your posts – means you can be socially active before, during and after an event. If you don’t already have social media accounts with these three giants, why not?

For Twitter users who are showcasing at an event, finding an official exhibition account and tagging them in a post will spark engagement. By confirming that you’re attending and which stand you’ll be exhibiting from, you’ll be giving prospects easy access to your brand – and keep an eye out for event-related hashtags, too.

A good way to promote your event on Facebook is to add hashtags to your post and make sure your company page has posted on the official event page. Add yourself to any relevant Facebook groups and make sure your audience knows where you’ll be and when.

Once promotion is pinned down, it’s time to think about how to engage your audience and make your brand unforgettable.

Event design: popular event tech trends

In recent years there’s been a significant rise in increasing attendee engagement by targeting a combination of the senses. Exhibitors are now experimenting with new technology that will help them to increase footfall to their stands and enhance consumer-brand engagement.

Virtual reality

  • Wearable tech – this includes items such as a headset that filters out the chaos of an event and immerses the attendee in your brand or wristwatches that can help prospects locate your stand.
  • Projection mapping – this can convert the area around you into an interactive screen – commanding the attention of your audience and prolonging the amount of time they spend at your stand.
  • Drones – as technology continues to advance, drones are becoming increasingly popular – capturing the attention of attendees from across the room and drawing them to your stand. Technology marketing company Parrot maximised attendee engagement at an event by having their drones perform a synchronised dance – which ensured their brand stood out among the sea of exhibitors.
  • Hologram projections – this is an invaluable tool if you’re planning on exhibiting at a number of events. This means the head of your business need never miss another event – allowing them to speak at every event and deliver their message without having to put other projects on hold. Holograms have been growing in popularity since they began featuring at mainstream musical events – and they show no signs of slowing down.
  • Digital signage – for a more subtle way of showcasing your brand, you can set up a digital sign. This can create an instantly recognisable image by which attendees can remember your brand – as well as providing an impactful visual representation of what your brand can offer.

The Farnborough Airshow

The Event Networks division of DB Systems was tasked with creating one of Europe’s largest temporary networks at the Farnborough Airshow – setting up internet and telecommunications systems that would allow a wide and varied audience to stay connected throughout the event. This meant that exhibitors, attendees, press and ticketing staff were able to remain in contact throughout the event.

Farnborough air show

This form of marketing allows exhibitors to incorporate upcoming event tech with their live social media updates, in order to gain maximum brand exposure.

Harnessing the power of event tech will allow you to showcase your brand across a wide range of platforms and help you secure a valuable ROI. So whether you’re exhibiting at a business event or promoting your brand from an exhibition trailer, making your brand memorable means your business won’t soon be forgotten after an event – and following up your leads in a professional and timely manner will be the final stage in executing a successful event.



Source: Smart Insights


The post Increasing event engagement with technology appeared first on Jass V.

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