Monday, 2 November 2015

Facebook Slips Slightly But Still Dominates Social Login Market


For the first time in two years, Facebook’s share of the social login market dropped according to new Gigya data, but the social network remains the dominating leader with nearly two-thirds of the market.

Gigya’s third quarter report, released today, shows Facebook with a 64 percent share of people who use social networks to sign into websites and mobile apps. That’s down two percentage points from last quarter, breaking a string of seven consecutive increases for Facebook in Gigya data pulled from sites and apps that use its sign-on technology.

Google+ added two percentage points to its share and now has 22% of the market. The also rans Twitter (6 percent), Yahoo (4 percent) and LinkedIn (2 percent) didn’t change; their totals have remained the same throughout 2015.


Facebook’s has an even bigger margin on mobile devices, with 76 percent to 16 percent for Google+ and 7 percent for Twitter. Google+ gained 1 percentage point, while Facebook lost the same.

In several of the verticals Gigya tracks, Google+ showed significant gains. It increased four percentage points to a 19 percent total in e-commerce and five percentage points to 24 percent in the media/publishing category. Facebook’s share fell seven percentage points in media/publishing but at 54 percent still more than doubles Google+.

Here’s Gigya’s infographic look at its results:


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