Thursday 7 January 2016

Twitter Co-Founder Refocuses Efforts On Q&A Network ‘Jelly’, Allows For Reservation Of Usernames


Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has a new focus … on an old project. In 2013 Stone announced Jelly with little information. Last year the Jelly app was released with mild fanfare and was considered a failure by many. A new post from Stone announced an “un-pivot” and a new focus on Jelly and the Q&A space as well as a close beta.


This time around there is a good bit more information around the project and the new goals. The new project will allow users to ask questions (not tied to a personal identity) and be matched up to users who can most likely answer that question well. No inclination to answer? No need for a username!


With the last iteration, there were far more questions than answers. So this time around users will have usernames and the goal isn’t an instant answer, rather the best answer. With this quality over quantity approach Jelly recommends that you ask a question, go live your life, then check back for the answer. Quite the opposite of a traditional search engine. This time around Jelly will also be a web app as well as a mobile app – another nice feature that should help users in their quest to create answers.

The new Jelly is in closed beta now and will be “launching” soon. In the meantime you can go register your username if you’d like. Simply answer a few questions on topics you know about and you can set aside your name for future answering ability!


For more information see the official post from Stone on Medium.

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