Thursday 7 January 2016

Forecast: Half Of Consumers Will Be Paying With Phones By 2018


According to a 2014 survey commissioned by the US Federal Reserve 28 percent of smartphone users had done some from of mobile payment in the previous 12 months. New survey data for 2015 haven’t come out yet but the number is probably close to 35 percent I would estimate.

Indeed Retale released consumer survey data late last year that argued 43 percent of US smartphone owners used their devices to make in-store purchases. From there it’s not a giant leap to Gartner’s recent forecast that in “mature markets” 50 percent of consumers will be “using smartphones or wearables for mobile payments by 2018.”

Federal reserve mobile payments

Source: US Federal Reserve Board reports (March 2015)

Gartner defines mobile payments as “smartphone or wearables-based payments, branded mobile wallets from banks or credit card providers, and branded mobile wallets from retailers such as Starbucks.”

The final category I would call in-app payments and this is the category that is growing fastest in my observation. NFC-based in-store payments (e.g., Apple Pay, Android Pay) will catch on but take more time based on infrastructure requirements.

Another provocative prediction Gartner made along with mobile payments was that by 2018, “75 percent of TV-style content will be watched through application-based services in mature markets.” Apple CEO make a similar statement when the company introduced the new version of Apple TV last fall.

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