Monday, 5 October 2015

The Ascent of Digital Marketing

Ascend to highest heights of digital marketing using our new interactive benchmarking tool

At first there were banner ads and broadcast emails swimming around in the primordial ooze of the great outbound marketing sea. Then social media dragged itself out onto land and slowly began to evolve advertising options to allow it to breath in revenue on mobile rather than using the banner ad gills of the desktop inhabitants.

Gradually content grew out of these developments and evolved into all sorts of wondrous creations. First came blogs, and videos. Infographics were not far behind.

The great content forest was hard to navigate, and thus came along search engines to distinguish between the thinner content and the healthier content which grew strong and thick. SEO quickly evolved because of this, and PPC was not far behind. In this way only the fittest content survived, and so it evolved to be ever more ‘sticky’ so as to retain it’s quarry: the readers.

Ascent of man tv series Bronowski- Ascent of Man













Through this process all the branches of the tree of digital marketing life grew into how we know them today.

Yet man was ignorant of this process, and so could not understand how to harness the power of all the various species of digital marketing and bend them to his will.

The Ascent of Man

Many often tried to understand all the complexities of the digital marketing tree of life, but were always frustrated in their efforts by the sheer complexity of the undertaking. Those few who did manage to discover some of the secrets of the digital marketing ecosystem tended not to share them, and instead would guard them jealously.

The Ascent of man

Some thus thought they could never hope to fully understand digital marketing it all its biological complexity, and so thought it best entrusted to the machines. They placed their faith in marketing automation software. But they were to find without good processes in place the machines would fare no better than their human predecessors.

The Ascent of Man AI

And so our digital anthropologists set to work, to crack the secrets of the digital marketing ecosystem and make them available to all. So man and woman could finally harness their mighty power.

Ascent of Smart Insights

That’s why we’re excited to release our capability review tool to all members. Using the tool you can review how well your business is currently exploiting the diversity of the digital marketing ecosystem and learn how to ascend through the evolutionary process to harness the true power of digital.

If you’re not into anthropology, the ‘Ascent of Man’ was a popular TV series in the 1970s fronted by Jacob Bronowski. It can seem a bit sexist these days, but we still like the evolution of postures to show how businesses need to evolve their digital marketing. Dave Chaffey explains more about the thinking behind Digital Marketing Performance Review and Improvement Tool.

Source: Smart Insights


The post The Ascent of Digital Marketing appeared first on Jass V.

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