Monday 11 January 2016

Marriage Equality, Healthcare & Low Unemployment: How Search Marketers Can Make A Difference This Tax Season


As the marketing world recovers from the Hunger Games-eque madness that was the holiday retail season, we know this rest period is but temporary. The next melee for paid search marketing is now upon us, in the form of tax season.

Many businesses that specialize in taxes or services that support tax filing have a similar marketing calendar to retail, in that most of the annual income happens over a span of three months. This puts a lot of pressure on a $9.3 billion industry to get it right.

This year, more than many recent years, current events are shaping new tax requirements, giving marketers an opportunity to highlight specific areas of assistance.

For example, with the passage of the Marriage Equality Act, many same-sex couples will be filing jointly for the first time. This is in addition to the over 2 million couples that already tie the knot in the US each year. Could you be the one to answer their questions when they do a search about this?

Let’s take a closer look at the events shaping the tax season this year.

[Read the full article on Search Engine Land.]

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