Tuesday 5 January 2016

Amazon: Adoption Of Sponsored Products Ads Grew By 100 Percent in 2015

Amazon released a flurry of performance stats for 2015 on Tuesday, including updates on just how popular sponsored product advertisements have become on the e-commerce platform.

The company says global adoption of Sponsored Products grew by 100 percent among Amazon sellers in 2015. The ads drove more than $1.5 billion in sales globally last year, according to Amazon. During the holiday shopping season, clicks on Sponsored Products in the US increased 200 percent year-over-year.

amazon sponsored products carousel

Amazon added a second carousel of Sponsored Products on product detail pages in 2015.

Amazon made several updates to Sponsored Products that helped drive these increases, including new placements in the first position of Search, the mobile shopping app and a second carousel of sponsored products ads on product detail pages. To improve management, Amazon added new tools including an API and bulk upload sheets. Bid+ was another feature update designed to help advertisers show up in the top row of the search results pages. When the bid boost feature is activated, Amazon increases the maximum CPC bid for products eligible to appear at the top of the search results.

Sponsored Products may also appear in the right column on search results.

The company shut down its advertising service  Amazon Product Ads, which drove clicks to retailers’ own websites in October. That move also likely helped boost the performance of Sponsored Products throughout the holiday season.

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